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Message from Our Founder: Sanjyot Dunung – Looking Ahead to 2021

Atma Global Founder's Corner

Thank you for being part of our ATMA INSIGHTS global community.

Hello, I’m writing the first of what will be my periodic notes to our global community.

Well, the start to 2021 has certainly been tumultuous—and it comes on the heels of a globally challenging 2020. Collectively, we’ve faced a global pandemic that forced unprecedented shifts in society, and the resulting health and economic crisis has been challenging everyone globally to find new ways to pivot and adapt.

There’s no doubt that our global interdependency is experiencing greater scrutiny as Covid-19 ravages countries and the global economy. Already, countries, companies, and people are reassessing how to foster cooperation and better participate in a global economy that can create wins for the majority, especially during this borderless global health crisis.

Less than a year ago, amidst it all, we launched our new proprietary digital streaming service, Atma Insights, offering a wide selection of videos on the intersection of global business topics, countries, and cultures. We were honored and pleased with the early feedback, awards, and recognition for Atma Insights, and we’re grateful to all those who helped make the debut of Atma Insights a success.

While business has continued around the world, it has certainly not been business as usual.

Amidst the many social and business shifts due to the pandemic, communicating virtually became an instant challenge, but it also offered an opportunity for new ways to interact and manage global teams, ours included.

While it’s tempting to think that working from home will become the new norm, I remain optimistic that once it’s safe, people will venture from their homes and communities. Humans are a very curious social bunch, and we can expect that as soon as vaccines are more widespread, people will start to move about and travel, whether for work to meet a customer or colleague, or to explore personal bucket lists. The past year has made us all more appreciative of the fragility of life, and many of us are more determined to treasure experiences with our extended families, friends, and communities and embrace the pursuits that fulfill our sense of purpose.

For us, our key passionate pursuit remains helping people better understand the world, whether for professional purposes or to further their education, formally and informally. On that note, let me point out a few developments.

Our Expanding Video Library  

In a nod to the outsized influence of the G20 representing 90% of the world’s GDP, we’ve added more videos on global trade and finance, China, Mexico, Singapore, Japan, and Saudi Arabia. In the coming months, look for more new releases on globalization as well as country collections on Indonesia, South Korea, UK, USA, Australia, and Canada as we continue to bring the world to you.

Our Continued Commitment to Integrity of Our Learning Content and Our Content Development Process.  

We take the development of our content very seriously, and our editorial process is rare in today’s clickbait publishing world. Our learning content is developed according to our methodical internal guidelines by our team of country, culture, and global business and subject matter experts.  

Our content development team includes seasoned global experts who are as diverse as our rich content. As a group, they are diverse in terms of race, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, geographic location, perspective, and experience. As experienced businesspeople, academics, and writers, our experts are highly trained, possess a master’s or PhD in business or the human sciences, and have experience working and living around the world.

Equally important, we use an exhaustive methodical process of internal checks and balances to ensure accuracy, quality, and integrity. Our teams create engaging, unbiased, and accurate material that brings each topic, country, and culture to life. And as a result, we’re a recognized leader in the field of global business, country, and cross-cultural knowledge.

Our content is the collective result of our team’s hive mind rather than the product of a single author. We appreciate that our users—professionals, educators, students, and global enthusiasts—rely on our editorial integrity and value the unbiased, seasoned insights from our team.

Along with our seriousness about the quality-assurance process of our content development, the cornerstone to our style and approach is the philosophy that learning should be engaging, accurate, and reliable, presented in a user-friendly platform. More than just a presentation of facts, our learning and knowledge tools provide a comprehensive proprietary analysis in a succinct and engaging format.

We’re focused on helping people understand the context behind a global business issue or how a culture or country has evolved. The “why” is essential to building a deeper understanding.

Take a closer look and see why our users find that ATMA INSIGHTS is unique with content you won’t find elsewhere.

There is much work ahead as the world reemerges from the global pandemic of 2020. We look forward to continuing to be your reliable country, culture, and global business resource.

I welcome your feedback, ideas, and suggestions.

Wishing a better and brighter new year for all!


Sanjyot P. Dunung

Founder & CEO, Atma Global